Thursday, September 3, 2020

Question Paper Essay Example

Question Paper Essay Regular GUIDELINES FOR MODEL QUESTION PAPER PATTERN In perspective on current difficulties in assimilating quality in MBA instruction, the accompanying changes are proposed by the Board of Examination in the Evaluation example of I Semester MBA from Jan/Feb 2012 assessment on wards. Build of Question Paper All 8 Modules ought to be given significance and questions should be confused from all modules. No inquiry ought to be set from pragmatic segment some portion of the prospectus. Hypothesis based courses Subjects Knowledge based inquiries 1. Any 3 inquiries to be responded to by setting 6 inquiries. 2. All modules must be given equivalent significance 12MBA11, 12MBA12,12MBA15 and 12MBA16 Q1-3 + 7 +10 Q2-3 + 7 +10 Q3-3 + 7 +10 Q4-5+5+10 Q5-5+5+10 Q6-5+15 or 10+10 Note: In 12 MBA 12, : One full inquiry (all parts) comprising of straightforward issues from Mod 3 (Except Demand determining) and Mod 8 just to be set. Q7-a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 imprints Q8. a. Hypothetical model for breaking down case b. Sub question 1 c. Sub question 2 d. Sub question 3 5X4=20 Marks Theory+ Problem based courses (40% Theory + 60% Problems) 12MBA13 12MBA14 Q1-3 + 7 +10 Q2-3 + 7 +10 Q3-3 + 7 +10 Q4-5+5+10 Q5-5+5+10 Q6-5+15 or 10+10 Note: One full inquiry (all parts) must be loaded with hypothesis just Skill based inquiries 1. One inquiry Compulsory 2. Equivalent significance must be given for all modules Ability based question(s) Case let Compulsory Q7-a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 imprints Q8. 10+10 or 5+15 or 5X4=20 Problem and/or hypothesis mix. Substance of Question Paper Part-A: Knowledge based inquiries (Q1 to Q6 Answer any 3) A. Imprint addresses Short inquiries which request answer not in excess of a passage and which test the comprehension of idea of the substance endorsed in the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 4 minutes by a normal understudy. B. 5 Marks questionsSemi-expressive inquiries which request answer not multiple sections and which test the comprehension of idea and/or extent of the idea or short issue. Noting this o ught not take over 7 minutes by a normal understudy. C. Imprints questionsDescriptive inquiries which request answer not more than 0ne page which test the comprehension of the extension and depiction of the substance or moderate issue of the prospectus. Noting this ought not take over 10 minutes by a normal understudy. D. 10 Marks questionsEssay questions which request answer not multiple pages which test the comprehension of idea with down to earth representations of the substance or long issue of the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 15 minutes by a normal understudy. E. 5 Marks questionsNarrative Essay question which requests answer not progressively 4 pages which test the account capacity of understudy identified with the idea and its degree with commonsense outlines or a protracted issue of the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 22 minutes by a normal understudy. Part-B: Skill based inquiries (Q7 Compulsory) 5 Marks X 4 QuestionsThis question tests the level of a ptitude gained by the understudy in the branch of knowledge of endorsed prospectus. This should cover the application part of the substance of the prospectus. Noting this ought not take over 30 minutes by a normal understudy. We will compose a custom article test on Question Paper explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Question Paper explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Question Paper explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Part-C: Ability based inquiries (Q8 Compulsory) 5 Marks Question †This inquiry is to test the determination of hypothetical model utilized on the off chance that examination. 5MarksX3 Questions †These inquiries are to test capacity obtained by the Students to examine the case and to give the insignificant answers for the case circumstance. Noting this ought not take over 30 minutes by a normal understudy. Note: Refer Question Bank and model inquiry paper(s) for greater clearness. 12MBA11 MANAGING THE Organization Model Skill based inquiries 1. †An worker is disappointed as he was answering to two bosses†. ow do you take care of this issue? - Fayal’s Principles 2. â€Å"An Honest individual is made accountable for advertising office. At the appointed time he created negative employment efficacy† how would you address this issue? - Role incapacity 3. In the sky the mists take the various states of creative mind. Why? Recognition 4. Trick got his twof old augmentation in pay of Jan 2012. His inspirational diagram turned somewhere near July 2012 in the wake of settling his proposed financial plan for that month. Depict why? Maslow’s 5. â€Å"Defense individuals are more successful than civilian† prove Leadership style 6. Present day Indian administration is more impressive as opposed to traditional† SubstantiateTheory X and Theory Y 7. â€Å"The out punch time of a manager will be first out punch in an organization† Substantiate. †Organization Culture 8. â€Å"While revising the blemished item, more mix-ups will happen† Substantiate. Work pressure 9. â€Å"The CEO is considering consistency of creation, where as the advertising official concentration for high creation to coordinate the demand† Who is right? Why? Key and operational dynamic Managing Organizations-12MBA11 Model Question paper PART-An Answer any three full inquiries 1 (a) Define Personality. b) What are the various sorts of Control? Give a model for each. (c) Explain the administrative jobs expected by current associations. 2. (a) What is strengthening? (b) Differentiate among gatherings and groups. (c) Explain the character qualities impacting OB. 3. (a) What is Esprit de Corps? (b) â€Å"Planning and Controlling are inseparable†. Remark (c ) Explain the perceptual procedure with reasonable models 4. (a) What is a perfect range of control? Why? (5marks) (5 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) b) â€Å"Too numerous controls in an association decays creativity†. Remark. ( C) A representative is amazingly gainful, however has been giving indications of work pressure and is confronting issues adjusting to association culture. As a director how might you handle this representative? (10 imprints) 5. (a )State the procedures utilized in dynamic? Which strategy will you embrace? (5 imprints) (b) Write a note on commitment of Peter F Drucker to the advancement of the board thought. (5 imprints) (C)State the various sorts of association structures being used? Clarify any one 6. (a) What are the elements of enthusiastic insight ? b) State any five standards of Henry Fayal. (c ) Explain the job of feelings in the arrangement of disposition . (10 imprints) (5 imprints) (5 imprints) (10 imprints) PART-B ( necessary) 4X5 Marks=20 7. (a). Strange highlights consistently have long perceptivity. Why? (b) Setting objective ahead of time and pursuing is useful for Individual and association. Validate (c) It has frequently been expressed that most work inside an association is done casually. Remark (d) In present day association, the worker and business relationship is obligatory. Be that as it may, the contentions emerge. How would you settle this? 8. Contextual investigation PART-C (mandatory) Mr. Ranjan Kumar is the Managing Director of a cleanser fabricating organization. To build deals, the Board of Directors needed to begin an undeniable advertising division; Mr. Kumar is depended with the errand of finding an appropriate contender to head the proposed advertising division. In the wake of thinking about various applicants, he has limited his decision to two people: Vishwanath Dutt and Rajnarain. Mr. Vishwanath Dutt has superb reputation in the organization. During his productive relationship with the organization, to be exact 10 years, he has consistently indicated a serious extent of energy and activity in his work. He is as yet youthful (35 years) dynamic and forceful. He is result situated and he is more keen on closes instead of means. One of the laborers affirming his initiative quality commented accordingly: â€Å"Though he is brutal now and again you will know where you stand when you work with him. At the point when you have worked admirably, he tells you it†. Mr. Dutt is happy to bear extra duties. He chooses things rapidly and when activity is required. He is „always on his toes?. During his fifteen years residency in the organization, Mr. Rajnarain has charmed himself to every one of his associates by his boss worker boat and satisfying habits. He generally trusts in the standard of representative investment in the dynamic procedure. In contrast to Mr. Dutt, he urges his subordinates to come out with creative thoughts and valuable recommendations. Before showing up at a choice he generally makes it a point to counsel his subordinate. Of course, every one of his subordinates are exceptionally satisfied to work under him and recognition his administration characteristics. Organization records likewise bear proof for the expansion in the creation not long after Rajnarain turned into the leader of his specialization. Questions: a. b. c. d. (5X4=20 imprints) Express the hypothetical model used to dissect this case. Dissect the initiative characteristics and styles of Mr. Dutt. Dissect the administration characteristics and styles of Mr. Rajnarain. Whom do you suggest for the situation of advertising chief? Why? 12MBA12-Managerial Economics Some Skill Based Sample Questions and Problems 1. Imminent vehicle purchasers are now and then went up against by salesmen who contend that they can offer a vehicle that is Honda Civic on a par with a BMW, however at one-a large portion of the cost. Utilize the lack of interest idea to clarify why the cases of the salesperson are not solid. 2. Following a value change for Diet Coke, clarify how retailers use deals data to learn if Lays nibble chips speak to a supplement or substitute for Diet Coke. 3. During the previous 40 years the normal cost of another

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Working with young children from 16 to 36 months Essay

Working with little youngsters from 16 to three years - Essay Example You may decide to incorporate photos, perceptions and proof of exercises did (to incorporate one out of the setting). Your portfolio ought to be very much bolstered by hypothesis and your own basic reflections. Introduce and convey complex data and thoughts verbally and in composed structure, utilizing expert jargon where suitable.? Fundamentally recognize, evaluate, select and use data from a wide scope of sources. Materials from the portfolio and the intelligent report can be utilized in the approval procedure. 4,000-5,000 words (100% weighting) Rationale This module will think about momentum look into and instructive methodologies when working with small kids, and what the individuals who work with kids need to think about hypothesis, research and practice. It will think about the improvement of strategies in accommodating the most youthful youngsters in the UK as of late. With regards to the fast changes in the field of youth instruction and care, this module will fundamentally t alk about the perplexing strategy setting in the UK. It will endeavor to give a diagram of the ongoing history of strategy advancement, considering the effect of Every Child Matters, The Early Years Foundation Stage and the creating job of the Early Years Professionals. Key parts of training will be investigated in the light of this conversation. This module means to empower understudies to: Apply basic, logical abilities to approaches of youth ?instructional method. Incorporate the hypothesis and practice of working with little youngsters. Addition information and comprehension of current activities and their ?impact on youth instruction and care. Grow fundamentally intelligent and addressing viewpoints on how ?small kids create and learn and the job of the grown-up. Perceive forms which improve nature of arrangement. Comprehend the job of an early years group. ?The unmistakable highlights of the module are to give a diagram of hypothetical underpinnings of youth practice with the most youthful kids and to look at explore concentrates in to the taking in and advancement of youngsters from 16 to three years. The accentuation of the module is worried about connecting hypothetical angles with the experience gained in situation and manners by which excellent arrangement can be offered to small kids to help advancement and learning. Learning Outcomes Demonstratebreadthanddepthofawarenessandunderstandingofthe expected examples of children’s physical, psychological, etymological, social, passionate and conduct advancement from 16 three years. Show the capacity to distinguish how to utilize regular consideration schedules, play and arranged learning exercises to advance children’s prosperity, improvement and learning, and realizing how to basically assess and adjust them to meet children’s differed needs. Demonstrateabreadthanddepthofknowledgeandunderstandingof current lawful necessities, national approaches and direction on wellbeing and securit y and their suggestions for early years settings. Scholarly abilities: 4. Intelligently gather, basically assess and investigate proof about powerful practice and use it to improve their own and others practice. 5. Draw in with complex hypothesis, new ideas and proof from a scope of sources related with youth advancement and apply it to the learning procedure. Transferrable Skills: 8. Introduce and impart complex data and thoughts verbally and in composed structure, utilizing pro jargon where proper.? 9. Fundamentally distinguish, evaluate, select and use data from a wide scope of sources. Article Task Portfolio â€

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Determination Of The Presence Of Coliform Bacteria From Selected S

The Determination Of The Presence Of Coliform Bacteria From Selected Sources By Means Of The Most Probable Number (Mpn) Method Dynamic Coliform microorganisms are acceptable marker life forms for the nearness of pathogenic microscopic organisms because of their realtionship with these pathogenic microbes, their overall simplicity of assurance by basic techniques, and by their event in enormous amounts in human excrement. The MPN strategy utilized in this analysis is one of the endorsed strategies for the assurance of these coliform microscopic organisms from the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater as recommended by the EPA. It comprises of three phases, every one of which requires a positive outcome for the past stage. The primary stage (possible test) decides the gas-creating coliform trademark during lactose-maturation. The subsequent stage (affirmed test), decides the gram-response and furthermore the lactose aging capacities of the life form, while the last stage (finished test) decides the endospore nearness to decide whether the life forms in the example in reality are coliforms. The q uantity of coliforms or microorganisms present is promptly observed with the utilization of an uncommon table and afterward the factually assessed numbers are resolved. The examples, notwithstanding, didn't deliver positive outcomes for the nearness of coliforms. Enventhough there was an enormous MPN esteem for one of the examples, around 1100 MPN per 100 ml, the example despite everything tried negative in the last stage. It is along these lines get the job done to say that the examples didn't present any wellbeing dangers for people. Future scientists should, in any case, gadget or perform other progressively explicit techniques because of the way that there may have been still coliforms present yet these may have been nullified by conceivable endospore-framing family members. Presentation Human wellbeing has consistently been a hard condition to save and the identification and control of pathogens in the earth have been the exceptionally key to the accomplishment of mankind. Albeit microbial pathogens are generally not many in contrast with the all out number of microorganisms, their location have been made simple with the utilization of marker creatures. Marker living beings give specialists the advantage of making great suppositions on the nearness of pathogens before the pathogens duplicate in upsetting numbers. For a microorganism to be acknowledged as a marker life form, it must be available in human defecation in huge sums to such an extent that the nearness of these microbes in a given example would as of now point to human fecal tainting. It was contemplated that the biggest measure of pathogens was available in human excrement, and in this manner, the sign of the section of a lot of human waste, from solid people or not, as of now show an incredible hazard (N CSU). Likewise, pointer living beings must be available any place and at whatever point the pathogen life forms are available. All the more critically, these pointer living beings must be effectively discernible in tests and tests for the estimation of their numbers must be sufficiently straightforward (Tortora et al. 1995). Coliform microorganisms fit all the necessities and are even protected to deal with in the lab. Coliform microbes are gram-negative and non-spore/endospore shaping microscopic organisms, which incorporate aerobes and facultative anaerobes, and when hatched at 35?C with lactose in the media, will advance gas (CO2) inside 48 hrs, similar to Escherichia, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Enterobacter (NCSU). They are likewise common in the colon and intestinal tract (yet not all gatherings are available) of warm-blooded well evolved creatures, including man (Anderson et al. 1998). They are likewise identified with pathogenic microorganisms in that countless these coliform microscopic organisms for the most part infer the nearness of some pathogenic microbes (Frank). These qualities of coliform microbes as of now get the job done the conditions laid out for these creatures to be delegated pointer living beings. They happen in huge sums in human defecation, truth be told, people discharge billi ons of these coliforms (called fecal coliforms). They are available at whatever point and any place the pathogen living beings are available. All the more significantly, their quality is effectively recognized as their attributes are effortlessly tried with the utilization of basic methodology like gram-recoloring, endospore-recoloring and lactose aging tests. These standards and methodology currently structure the premise and the basis for the techniques by which this investigation was directed. As a matter of fact, the utilization of coliform microorganisms as markers of the nearness of pathogenic microscopic organisms isn't new as of now. It as been set up since 1880, and as a result of their unwavering quality as marker life forms, the

Sunday, June 14, 2020

No Signs of Escape Fences and King Hedley II - Literature Essay Samples

Although August Wilson’s Fences does not display the degree of senseless violence as projected in King Hedley II, both exemplify the harsh circumstances of African American communities in the 1950’s and 1980’s, respectively. Wilson makes contrasts between his characters from these plays, such as King’s criminality and Cory’s inability to escape Troy, to underline the troubling regression of their environments. The author uses these characters to stress a sense of no escape, as if to say that there was almost no other option than for King to die from a bullet and Cory to run away. Although Cory appears to be significantly better off than King at the end their respective plays, they each succumb to society’s set limitations as a result of their efforts to escape them. While King openly deliberates society’s unwillingness to let him grow, Cory’s family is unable to recognize that running away from Troy did not free him from the bleak fate Wilson illustrates in African American communities. Although King does not understand his protectiveness over his seeds or why he feels limited by society, Wilson utilizes his open frustration and recklessness to address the importance behind his restrictions. King does not know why Ruby complains about the quality of his dirt, but it reminds him of the other times that people have told him, one way or another, that he is not good enough. King cannot become better than society’s perception of him because of its bias toward his race, but in repeatedly breaking the law he unintentionally proves that their unjust opinions are correct. Ironically, both King and Cory find themselves limited by society and try to escape it, which leads them to do exactly what is expected. While Cory runs away from h is physical obstacle, namely Troy, King conforms to the harshness of his environment. Unlike King in King Hedley II, the characters in Fences do not realize that society has prevented Cory from growing up freely. Although his mother and Bono appear impressed at his reasonable triumph, becoming a corporal in the marines in the amount of time that he had to advance is not as big of a feat as it appears. It is important to note that Cory’s job at the end of his play is appropriately much more respected and noble compared to King’s illegal scamming, because Cory is clearly the more reasonable character. However, the man Cory is when he returns does not align with the personality and dreams he had when he left. He returns as someone other than himself, an inevitable product of society, rather than the enthusiastic boy who wanted to play football. Wearing his country’s uniform also suggests that he is now obeying their rules and symbolically represents his conformity because society, whether it would like to admit it or not, has changed the young man. Although both characters value the connection they share with their families, Wilson utilizes King’s inability to reach the same level of mature understanding as Cory to explain King’s irrational fixation over paternal figures. Wilson makes it clear that King rationalizes senselessly murdering Pernell through his self-assigned mission to give his scar meaning. In this sense, Cory although younger, exhibits a clearer ability to distinguish between right and wrong, which would make sense considering that he is doing well in school and is wanted for college football. However flawed King’s idea of meaning may be, it is enough of a justification for him to commit coldblooded murder, which indicates that it has more of a personal implication to his character. Wilson utilizes dramatic irony in the reveal of King’s father to underline the great value his character has towards his own familial roots, namely the paternal ones. Similarly, Cory appears to have a lovin g connection with his mother and later quickly develops one with his half sister simply because he realizes that they are family. King takes great pride in his bloodline and where he comes from because it provides meaning to his life. The reaction to the scar, therefore, has little to do with the wound and more to do with creating a closer link between him and his father. However, it is also important to note that King did not really know either of the men he thought he was related to at some point or another, but he still strives to resemble them in order to stand for something, anything. While Cory clearly favors his mother, notice that he does not attempt to become her the way King tries to become part of his father. Wilson does make parallels between father and son using Troy’s story of him standing up to his father as a boy and Cory standing up to Troy during the play. However, in Fences, Troy understands that he is not a good person and tries to make Cory everything he is not. Cory, although not interpreting his father’s actions as having good intentions, also recognizes the wrong in his father and strives to make sure he does not make the same mistakes, a lesson King will never learn. Wilson introduces Cory’s search for guidance, and King’s ignorant lack of it, to emphasize the idea that regardless of their choices, both were unfairly limited as a result of their environments. It is clear that Cory envisions Troy as the main reason preventing him from achieving things he believes he can do, just as King chooses to blame society. However in leaving Troy, who Cory sees as a physical limitation, he also leaves parental guidance and support. King’s stride towards criminality expresses his need for support, along with his ignorance toward finding it. Instead of learning from his mistakes and the misfortunes of his predecessors, he chooses to ignore Tanya’s pleas for him to start obeying the law, claiming that he is never going to get caught. Although King’s experience in jail was meant to straighten him out, the only thing he learns is how to use the claim of self-defense to his advantage. Meanwhile, despite Cory’s animosity to ward his father, once he is reminded of the aspect of family between him and Troy, Cory chooses to go to his father’s funeral; his inability to disobey his father, even though he is no longer around to refuse, relates to his contrasting need for guidance. It is important to note that Cory does not mention out loud that he misses his parents or that he suddenly understands why Troy treated him as strictly as he did, even when his mother attempts to explain his actions. Cory perceives him as a terrible father, although perhaps forgivable to an extent. More importantly, however, is where Cory goes once he is free from his father’s rule. After escaping his supervisory household, Cory enlists in the marines searching for guidance. Wilson compares and contrasts characters such as Cory and King throughout his plays in order to rationalize that in a society that sets unassailable limitations on African American communities, every path is the wrong one. Cory ran away from home in order to redefine his character from his father’s command and went from one strict household to another. King believed he was never going to get caught in his illegal activity and ended up getting shot. It is important to note that King’s demise could be explained simply as a result of his recklessness and inability to rationalize. Therefore, Wilson utilizes Cory’s potential and willingness to get an education in Fences in order to indicate that there is a more complex reason that his characters have such constrained lives. Regardless of their temperaments and levels of maturity, Cory and King are part of a society that refuses to allow them to progress or improve their circumstances.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies - 1062 Words

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the world of gene manipulation. Whether the subject is cloning, genetic modified organisms, or even the use of antibiotics there will always be some type of ethical issue raised. One topic that has a lot of ethical issues surrounding it is designer babies. This research paper will explain what exactly a designer baby is, the pros, the cons, the reality, and the ethical issues surrounding genetic babies. So, what exactly is a designer baby? In layman terms, a designer baby is an embryo that is genetically engineered to display certain wanted, or even delete unwanted genes from the genetic makeup of that baby (Designer Babies). This is done by in vitro fertilization (IVF), which is the manual†¦show more content†¦Parents of a child who has one of these lives altering diseases, commonly states phrases like, â€Å"if I could take this disease away I would in an instant†. That phrase is now a reality with the fact genetic engineers are capable of ridding embryotic DNA of the option to even code for possible diseases. Along with having many pros, there are also cons to designer babies. One being the fact this is still a relatively new procedure done. There is still a lot to be learned about the human genome, let alone how to manipulate it. This being said, it is not really known how these designer babies will affect future gene pools. â€Å"Current techniques of genetic modification introduce genes at random places in the genome, which could disrupt the function of another gene crucial for survival† (Designer Babies). In a sense, this could create the butterfly effect; one small action, or change in the coding of a gene, could lead to other unwanted changes that may be worse than the original unwanted gene. Designer babies are not common either. It is very expensive, and more people cannot afford it. IVF alone cost around $15,000, and insurance rarely covers it. PGD costs an estimated $4,000 for every time the procedure is done. A couple who had two boys and multiple miscarriages desperate ly wanted their third child to be a girl. They spend $100,000 to guarantee the sex of their third child would be female (Ridley, Jane). This whole process could cost hundreds ofShow MoreRelatedPros and Cons of Designer Babies2167 Words   |  9 PagesPros and Cons of Designer Babies Designer babies are babies, whose genetic makeup has been artificially screened and chosen by scientists, via genetic engineering. This concept has raised numerous ethical issues. Lets have a look at the pros and cons of designer babies. Did You Know? The term designer baby was actually coined by journalists and not scientists. The term designer baby made its entry into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2004, where it is defined as a baby whose genetic makeupRead MoreGenome Editing : The Modern Frankenstein929 Words   |  4 Pageswhat are the pros and cons? The most obvious pro, of course, is that genome editing can help delete diseases and abnormalities within our DNA (Rajan). With this advancement in being able to edit our genes, it gives us a much better idea of the genes, and an ability to move even further (Designer Babies Pros and Cons). Another pro, is that each child can have better genes than the parents have, and essentially be healthier with longer lives (Designer Babies Pros and Cons). As for the cons, this couldRead MoreThe Invention Of Designer Babies902 Words   |  4 Pagestechnologies, the creation of designer babies is an increasing reality. Designer babies are genetically engineered in vitro for specially selected traits, which can vary from lowered disease risk to gender selection (â€Å"Ethics of Designer Babies† 1). With the possibility of designer babies becoming a reality, many ethical arguments have come into play. Within these arguments the pros and cons of designer babies are discussed and many ethical issues are brought up. There are many pros involved in the creationRead MoreNew Ideas And Inventions Of The World s Technology Essay981 Words   |  4 Pagesphysical appearance and health.Because of these technological advancements, people are able to essentially â€Å"Design a baby† by altering DNA and choosing which physical traits they want their children to have. This idea of genetic modification was introduced by the U.S. in 2000 when the first â€Å"designer baby† was born. The first Designer baby was Adam Nash, born August of 2000. Baby Nash was an experiment to help the client’s daughter, Molly, with a bone marrow transplant. She suffered from FanconiRead MoreDesigner Babies1566 Words   |  7 PagesCritical Review of Designer Babies: The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Author: Siew Yang Yi Yin Ren. Designer Babies: The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering. MURJ Volume 12, Spring 2005. Genetic engineering is the modification of an organism’s genome through direct human manipulation of the DNA using modern technology. Although classical genetic methods using selective breeding has been done by humans since thousands of years ago, the manipulation of genome of organism through advanceRead MoreGenetic Engineering The Perfect Child Essay example1024 Words   |  5 Pagesof their child into their own hands. Whether it is ethical, or not, to engineer designer babies is a highly controversial topic with numerous pros and cons. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) is the contentious technology fertility specialists use to engineer what are commonly referred to as designer babies. There are countless experts, scientists, and physicians that fall on either side of the designer baby argument. In an article from CBS News, Dr. Arthur Caplan, Ph.D (director of the CenterRead MoreAs Technology Continues To Advance In Our Society, Medicine1142 Words   |  5 Pagesthe ability to design their babies. IVF, also known as in vitro fertilization, is the process of pre-selecting embryos before implantation (Bonsor and Layton). This form of conception aids many families with infertility to experience pregnancy and birthing a child of their own. Through the use of Preimplantation genetic diagnosis(PGD), IVF scans embryos for genetic disorders to ensure a healthier baby. But is designing a baby really as great as it sounds? Designer babies may seem like the future ofRead MoreWhat Is Meant By Designer Babies?1542 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is meant by Designer babies? The definition of a designer baby is that, a babies genetic makeup has been selected to eradicate a particular defect or to make sure that a particular gene is present(English Oxford dictionary).During embryo screening, a scientist would be able to tell what physical characteristics a child will grow to have; as well as whether or not this child is at risk of developing or will develop genetic disorders such as autism, down syndrome, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’sRead MoreGenetic Engineering: Paper 3. Long, Blond Hair, Bright,1310 Words   |  6 Pagesthe human nature.   Genetic engineering, which includes the deliberate modification of human characteristics in a specific organism, causes controversy between people with difference in opinion (U.S.).   Genetic engineering for the aspiration of designer babies is not right, however utility for medical reasons of a fetus should be granted. In a New York Times article, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel states that they will only look into the scientific aspects of what they call mitochondrialRead MoreWhy People Should Not Embrace The Technology That Is Designer Babies975 Words   |  4 Pagesembrace the technology that is designer babies. The purpose of the discussion topic is to persuade people to against further research of designer babies. The general concept of designer babies is the hand-picked creation of a child, but the topic will be further discussed throughout this essay. Designer babies are an inhumane way to create a child and should not be promoted or legal in the United States. There are many videos based on the study of designer babies, as shown in the beginning of my

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

College Students Exposure to Mental Illness - 743 Words

Introduction Many American students who graduate school seeking a higher education through college and or technical school is typically idolized amongst families and peers. Unfortunately, college has become extremely expensive for those living in the middle and lower class households. Many students often apply for student loans to compensate for what scholarships and federal financial aid to do not cover, such as the expenses of tuition, books, room and boarding fee. The stress of financial aid alone often interferes with a student’s ability to successfully learn. College students often face restless nights. They sometimes become over ecstatic about distractions relating to their social status concerning how much income they receive and their interpersonal relationships with their peers. The use of recreational drugs and alcohol often interfere with a college students’ amount of rest. In being in college students often spend their weekends and free time with their peers where they w ill engage in drinking alcohol to the point of intoxication and smoking marijuana, both substances impair an individual’s mind and body. A college student often experiences educational and person stressors such as, family and relationship issues and effectively completing assignments, which interfere directly with the amount of sleep they may receive. A combination of social pressures and educational stressors to depression and or mental instability can expose a student to depression and or mentalShow MoreRelatedIn Prioritizing Trust Among Students, Professors, And University1594 Words   |  7 Pagesprioritizing trust among students, professors, and university administration, the stigma that surrounds mental health can dissipate, which allows students to take charge of their health without worrying about their academic standing. 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GREAT GATSBY Symbolism Essay Example For Students

GREAT GATSBY: Symbolism Essay GREAT GATSBY: SYMBOLISM (Original Essay)The Great Gatsby is a classic American novel, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1927 about corruption, murder and life in the 1920s. The true purpose for a writer to compose any piece of literature is to entertain the reader, and this writer does this to the best of his ability. In this well-crafted tale, Fitzgerald presents a fast moving, exciting story, and to any typical reader it can be enjoyed; however, if the reader takes the time to analyze his words and truly understand his symbolism used, it can transform this account into a completely different entity. In The Great Gatsby, it is apparent that Fitzgerald uses these symbols to provide representations of what life was like during that time, and to help advance the thematic interests in his novel. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, symbolism is defined as The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects , events, or relationships, and the author uses all varieties of symbols in the text to coax the reader into the true lives and personalities of the characters. Symbolism often allows the reader to better understand the theme and mood that the author is trying to portray. Fitzgerald uses this to show details that cannot be revealed by words alone. Through symbolism, he allows the reader to refer to other, more tangible aspects of life. Throughout this novel, the types of symbolism vary from object to object, but some of the most notable examples of symbolism include the color green, the overall setting, and the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. The use of symbolism throughout this novel not only helps to give the reader insight into the true identities of the characters, but also further accentuates the themes portrayed throughout the novel. One of the more obvious examples of symbolism in this novel is the color green. This is evident from the beginning of the novel, when there is a s mall, flickering green light across the Manhasset Bay, separating the Manhasset Neck, also known as the East Egg, from the Great Neck, also known as the West Egg. One assumption can be made that the green hue of the light represents the envy that Gatsby has of Tom for being married to Daisy. Gatsby wishes that he was still with Daisy, and this light represents his hopes for a bright future, which he hopes to share with Daisy. Another symbolization of the color green is the meaning go. As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action go. This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should stop Gatsby from his destined happiness and love with Daisy. It inspires hope for Gatsby that he is on the right path, heading towards the best years of his life. He believes that things will soon be as they once were, only better. Im going to fix everythin g just the way they were before, he said nodding determinedly. Shell see.(p. 117). Green is also the color of money, and the color of the interior of Gatsbys superfluous car. Gatsby drives a cream colored Rolls-Royce sedan, with green interior. The car in itself is just a way to show everyone that catches a glance of Gatsby to see just how wealthy he is, and a way to attract attention to himself, especially the attention of Daisy. The color green can be viewed with many perspectives, but Fitzgerald uses it to represent a plethora of concepts. The setting is another aspects that Fitzgerald utilizes as a symbol to further enhance the important themes presented in The Great Gatsby. The Valley of Ashes represents the poverty in America in the 1920s and how filthy and corrupted some peoples lives were. All of the characters in the book go to the Valley of Ashes to commit sin or illegal acts. The East Egg (home of the Buchanans) represents old-wealth as opposed to new-wealth. Most of the East Egg residents have inherited their money from their ancestors or an old friend, as in the case of Gatsby, who inherited his money from Dan Cody, a man whom he met while working as a fisherman on Lake Superior. Gatsby tries to impress everyone in the community by having small, elegant parties, which are actually very large, and most of the time the guests are uninvited. Nick emphasizes this point when he states I believe that on the first night I went to Gatsbys house I was one of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were no t invited they went there (p. 41). These people are considered to be sophisticated and rich in the blood. The old-wealth dominated the social ladder during the 1920s. These people were often stuck-up and immoralistic. They did not know what it was like to be in poverty and they were very, very selfish. The West Egg, on the other hand, represents, new-wealth. The West Egg residents were people with newly acquired wealth, of the sort of self-made millionaires. These people were often thought to be foolish in their spending and were viewed very suspiciously. Several people that lived in the West Egg did not really have an opinion about society. The people in the West Egg were far more moralistic than the residents of the East Egg because they had lived less affluent lives during their childhood and early adulthood. Also, since they have not been thrown money since the day they were born, they cherish what they do have, and work to make their lives easier, and work to let their childre n live more prosperous lives than they were able to live. From the symbolism in the settings, Fitzgerald helps to give a clearer understanding of the themes of poverty, old-wealth and new-wealth involved in the novel. Another outstanding instance of symbolism in this novel are the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. Overlooking the Valley of Ashes is an old, eroding billboard, featuring the aforementioned doctor. They eyes used to be distinct, and well detailed, but as time has passed, the billboard itself, as well as the portrait, have faded and deteriorated, just as they seem to peer down on the faded ideals of America. The eyes are simply an unsettling, unexplained image, as they stare down on the Valley of Ashes, until George Wilson explains thatGod knows what youve been doing, everything youve been doing. You may fool me but you cant fool God! Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged pale and eno rmous from the dissolving night. God sees everything, repeated Wilson. (p.167). After this statement, the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg work to emphasize the lack of a fixed relation between symbols and the things they symbolize; they could mean anything to any observer, but they tend to make observers feel as though they are the ones being scrutinized. They seem to stare down at the world without the need for meaning that drives the human characters of the novel. Through Fitzgeralds wording in describing the image of Eckleburgs eyes the reader develops a mental image of an almighty being who is constantly watching over the land. The reader discerns that the eyes not only see everything but that they eyes are morbidly unhappy. As seen in previous examples of American literature, the Christ figure is depicted through one of the characters, but in this case, God is presented into a story lacking true morals through the eyes of a billboard doctor. The eyes not only symbolize a god-like be ing but also Fitzgerald himself and his negative views of 1920s society. The eyes look down on the Valley of Ashes in disgust, just as the author believes God is looking down at society negatively, and it seems that whenever someone goes to the Valley of Ashes to commit a sin, the eyes are watching over them, in an attempt to cause them to feel uncomfortable. Through the mind of any other author, an old, withered billboard would just be another piece of scenery, but for F. Scott Fitzgerald; this billboard holds a true meaning, which plays a great role into the further perceptiveness of the character of George Wilson. .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .postImageUrl , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:hover , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:visited , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:active { border:0!important; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:active , .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295 .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44573c8c2fae117fe9457c85aa809295:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Adoph Hitler EssayF. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to perfection in developing the themes presented in the American classic novel, The Great Gatsby. By using specific examples of symbolism, he is enabled to give insight into the characters involved in the events which take place in the story, as well as the events that were taking place during that time period. Fitzgerald made references in this novel that will cause people in years to come to remember the 1920s for what they truly were, and regardless of if this was his purpose in writing the tale, he will be remembered for this. The novel is awash with symbolism which enhance the themes portrayed in the novel, but a fe w specific symbols are the color green, the entire setting of the story, and the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. All of these symbols help the reader to draw conclusions about the time period, as well as further understand the personalities and attitudes of the characters. By causing the characters to have multi-faceted characteristics and dispositions, Fitzgerald causes the reader to feel like they are involved in the book, which leads the reader to become involved in the novel and actually feel like he is one of the characters. Symbolism enhances any piece of literature, but this piece in particular utilized symbolism to flawlessness.