Thursday, September 3, 2020

Question Paper Essay Example

Question Paper Essay Regular GUIDELINES FOR MODEL QUESTION PAPER PATTERN In perspective on current difficulties in assimilating quality in MBA instruction, the accompanying changes are proposed by the Board of Examination in the Evaluation example of I Semester MBA from Jan/Feb 2012 assessment on wards. Build of Question Paper All 8 Modules ought to be given significance and questions should be confused from all modules. No inquiry ought to be set from pragmatic segment some portion of the prospectus. Hypothesis based courses Subjects Knowledge based inquiries 1. Any 3 inquiries to be responded to by setting 6 inquiries. 2. All modules must be given equivalent significance 12MBA11, 12MBA12,12MBA15 and 12MBA16 Q1-3 + 7 +10 Q2-3 + 7 +10 Q3-3 + 7 +10 Q4-5+5+10 Q5-5+5+10 Q6-5+15 or 10+10 Note: In 12 MBA 12, : One full inquiry (all parts) comprising of straightforward issues from Mod 3 (Except Demand determining) and Mod 8 just to be set. Q7-a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 imprints Q8. a. Hypothetical model for breaking down case b. Sub question 1 c. Sub question 2 d. Sub question 3 5X4=20 Marks Theory+ Problem based courses (40% Theory + 60% Problems) 12MBA13 12MBA14 Q1-3 + 7 +10 Q2-3 + 7 +10 Q3-3 + 7 +10 Q4-5+5+10 Q5-5+5+10 Q6-5+15 or 10+10 Note: One full inquiry (all parts) must be loaded with hypothesis just Skill based inquiries 1. One inquiry Compulsory 2. Equivalent significance must be given for all modules Ability based question(s) Case let Compulsory Q7-a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 imprints Q8. 10+10 or 5+15 or 5X4=20 Problem and/or hypothesis mix. Substance of Question Paper Part-A: Knowledge based inquiries (Q1 to Q6 Answer any 3) A. Imprint addresses Short inquiries which request answer not in excess of a passage and which test the comprehension of idea of the substance endorsed in the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 4 minutes by a normal understudy. B. 5 Marks questionsSemi-expressive inquiries which request answer not multiple sections and which test the comprehension of idea and/or extent of the idea or short issue. Noting this o ught not take over 7 minutes by a normal understudy. C. Imprints questionsDescriptive inquiries which request answer not more than 0ne page which test the comprehension of the extension and depiction of the substance or moderate issue of the prospectus. Noting this ought not take over 10 minutes by a normal understudy. D. 10 Marks questionsEssay questions which request answer not multiple pages which test the comprehension of idea with down to earth representations of the substance or long issue of the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 15 minutes by a normal understudy. E. 5 Marks questionsNarrative Essay question which requests answer not progressively 4 pages which test the account capacity of understudy identified with the idea and its degree with commonsense outlines or a protracted issue of the schedule. Noting this ought not take over 22 minutes by a normal understudy. Part-B: Skill based inquiries (Q7 Compulsory) 5 Marks X 4 QuestionsThis question tests the level of a ptitude gained by the understudy in the branch of knowledge of endorsed prospectus. This should cover the application part of the substance of the prospectus. Noting this ought not take over 30 minutes by a normal understudy. We will compose a custom article test on Question Paper explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Question Paper explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Question Paper explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Part-C: Ability based inquiries (Q8 Compulsory) 5 Marks Question †This inquiry is to test the determination of hypothetical model utilized on the off chance that examination. 5MarksX3 Questions †These inquiries are to test capacity obtained by the Students to examine the case and to give the insignificant answers for the case circumstance. Noting this ought not take over 30 minutes by a normal understudy. Note: Refer Question Bank and model inquiry paper(s) for greater clearness. 12MBA11 MANAGING THE Organization Model Skill based inquiries 1. †An worker is disappointed as he was answering to two bosses†. ow do you take care of this issue? - Fayal’s Principles 2. â€Å"An Honest individual is made accountable for advertising office. At the appointed time he created negative employment efficacy† how would you address this issue? - Role incapacity 3. In the sky the mists take the various states of creative mind. Why? Recognition 4. Trick got his twof old augmentation in pay of Jan 2012. His inspirational diagram turned somewhere near July 2012 in the wake of settling his proposed financial plan for that month. Depict why? Maslow’s 5. â€Å"Defense individuals are more successful than civilian† prove Leadership style 6. Present day Indian administration is more impressive as opposed to traditional† SubstantiateTheory X and Theory Y 7. â€Å"The out punch time of a manager will be first out punch in an organization† Substantiate. †Organization Culture 8. â€Å"While revising the blemished item, more mix-ups will happen† Substantiate. Work pressure 9. â€Å"The CEO is considering consistency of creation, where as the advertising official concentration for high creation to coordinate the demand† Who is right? Why? Key and operational dynamic Managing Organizations-12MBA11 Model Question paper PART-An Answer any three full inquiries 1 (a) Define Personality. b) What are the various sorts of Control? Give a model for each. (c) Explain the administrative jobs expected by current associations. 2. (a) What is strengthening? (b) Differentiate among gatherings and groups. (c) Explain the character qualities impacting OB. 3. (a) What is Esprit de Corps? (b) â€Å"Planning and Controlling are inseparable†. Remark (c ) Explain the perceptual procedure with reasonable models 4. (a) What is a perfect range of control? Why? (5marks) (5 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) (3 imprints) (7 imprints) (10 imprints) b) â€Å"Too numerous controls in an association decays creativity†. Remark. ( C) A representative is amazingly gainful, however has been giving indications of work pressure and is confronting issues adjusting to association culture. As a director how might you handle this representative? (10 imprints) 5. (a )State the procedures utilized in dynamic? Which strategy will you embrace? (5 imprints) (b) Write a note on commitment of Peter F Drucker to the advancement of the board thought. (5 imprints) (C)State the various sorts of association structures being used? Clarify any one 6. (a) What are the elements of enthusiastic insight ? b) State any five standards of Henry Fayal. (c ) Explain the job of feelings in the arrangement of disposition . (10 imprints) (5 imprints) (5 imprints) (10 imprints) PART-B ( necessary) 4X5 Marks=20 7. (a). Strange highlights consistently have long perceptivity. Why? (b) Setting objective ahead of time and pursuing is useful for Individual and association. Validate (c) It has frequently been expressed that most work inside an association is done casually. Remark (d) In present day association, the worker and business relationship is obligatory. Be that as it may, the contentions emerge. How would you settle this? 8. Contextual investigation PART-C (mandatory) Mr. Ranjan Kumar is the Managing Director of a cleanser fabricating organization. To build deals, the Board of Directors needed to begin an undeniable advertising division; Mr. Kumar is depended with the errand of finding an appropriate contender to head the proposed advertising division. In the wake of thinking about various applicants, he has limited his decision to two people: Vishwanath Dutt and Rajnarain. Mr. Vishwanath Dutt has superb reputation in the organization. During his productive relationship with the organization, to be exact 10 years, he has consistently indicated a serious extent of energy and activity in his work. He is as yet youthful (35 years) dynamic and forceful. He is result situated and he is more keen on closes instead of means. One of the laborers affirming his initiative quality commented accordingly: â€Å"Though he is brutal now and again you will know where you stand when you work with him. At the point when you have worked admirably, he tells you it†. Mr. Dutt is happy to bear extra duties. He chooses things rapidly and when activity is required. He is „always on his toes?. During his fifteen years residency in the organization, Mr. Rajnarain has charmed himself to every one of his associates by his boss worker boat and satisfying habits. He generally trusts in the standard of representative investment in the dynamic procedure. In contrast to Mr. Dutt, he urges his subordinates to come out with creative thoughts and valuable recommendations. Before showing up at a choice he generally makes it a point to counsel his subordinate. Of course, every one of his subordinates are exceptionally satisfied to work under him and recognition his administration characteristics. Organization records likewise bear proof for the expansion in the creation not long after Rajnarain turned into the leader of his specialization. Questions: a. b. c. d. (5X4=20 imprints) Express the hypothetical model used to dissect this case. Dissect the initiative characteristics and styles of Mr. Dutt. Dissect the administration characteristics and styles of Mr. Rajnarain. Whom do you suggest for the situation of advertising chief? Why? 12MBA12-Managerial Economics Some Skill Based Sample Questions and Problems 1. Imminent vehicle purchasers are now and then went up against by salesmen who contend that they can offer a vehicle that is Honda Civic on a par with a BMW, however at one-a large portion of the cost. Utilize the lack of interest idea to clarify why the cases of the salesperson are not solid. 2. Following a value change for Diet Coke, clarify how retailers use deals data to learn if Lays nibble chips speak to a supplement or substitute for Diet Coke. 3. During the previous 40 years the normal cost of another

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